Veículo chegou a oficina com reclamação de vazamento de óleo do motor , ao efetuar a análise do problema identificamos que o vazamento estava em três lugares , um era na tampa de válvulas o outro estava no anel de vedação do tensor hidráulico e o outro estava na bomba de vácuo atras do cabeçote .
Trocamos os reparos e as juntas e o problema de vazamento foi resolvido .
A oficina mecânica Miki Motors deixa outro cliente satisfeito com os nossos serviços .
Vehicle reached workshop with engine oil leak complaint, to make the analysis of the problem that the leak was identified in three places, one was in valve cover the other was the O-ring hydraulic tensioner and the other was at the pump vacuum behind the head.
We exchanged repairs and joints and the leakage problem is resolved.
The machine shop Miki Motors leaves another satisfied customer with our services.